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Former Israeli National team Cricketer Isaac Solson is actively seeking Jewish American Cricketers to represent Maccabi USA at the 2017 World Maccabiah Games. This is only the second time that Maccabi USA will be fielding a Cricket Team at the Maccabiah Games, the first time occurring in 1973.

Isaac Solson was only seven years old when he played in his first Cricket match. Born in 1949 to a Bene Israel (a historic community of Jews in India) family in Karachi, Pakistan, Solson recalls the difficulties of growing up Jewish in a country whose officially declared religion was Muslim. “Thankfully, as I improved as a Cricketer, people began to focus more on my athletic ability than the fact that I was Jewish,” exclaimed Isaac. He was admitted to the prestigious St. Patrick’s College of Karachi in 1969, where he maintained the highest batting average in the city of Karachi, which was then home to over 10 million people.

With my Cricket Trophies

In 1971, Isaac was chosen to play for Karachi University. Not for the first or last time, Isaac was the only Jew on his team. In October of the same year, Isaac made Aliyah to Israel, where he quickly made an impression among the Israeli Cricket community, being named the “Most Promising Cricketer” by the committee. He would go on to serve as Israel’s Vice-Captain at the 1979 Cricket Mini World Cup, and was a member of Israel’s 1982 and 1986 Cricket World Cup teams.


(Isaac is in the front row, 4th from the left)

Prior to the 9th World Maccabiah Games In 1973, Isaac was approached to represent Israel, which he gladly accepted. It was the first time that Isaac played on an all-Jewish team. “I went from always being the only Jew on my team to being on a team filled with Jews,” he recalls. “What a great experience that was for me.” He would go on to represent Israel at the next three Maccabiah Games in 1977, 1981 & 1985, winning two bronze medals along the way.

Isaac moved to the United States in 1989 and now lives in Tampa, Florida with his wife Sheba, with whom he has four grown children. “Cricket has given my life so much, I feel the need to give back,” said Isaac, as he explained his involvement with Maccabi USA. “Moving to Israel and playing in the Maccabiah Games helped change and shape my life, and I can’t wait to give back to the next generation of Jewish American Cricketers.”

With Maccabi USA President Ron Carner

(Isaac with Maccabi USA President Ron Carner)

Maccabi USA is currently seeking Jewish Cricketers, ages 18+, to represent the United States at the 2017 World Maccabiah Games on the Open Cricket team! To apply, click HERE! For more information, please contact Shane Carr, Program Director, at 267.627.5647 or



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