Maccabi USA @Home
Sports Show
Maccabi USA @ Home brings together the past, present, and future of the Jewish community through the lens of sports. Our virtual community seeks to engage Maccabi USA alumni and the broader Jewish community through interviews with well-known Jewish athletes and sports personalities, Esports competitions, social gatherings, sport-specific skill-building sessions, Jewish ritual moments, and more. Please join us and lend your voice as we bring the Maccabi community home.
YouTube Channel
For a full archive of our Maccabi USA @ Home events, check out the Maccabi USA YouTube channel.
Team Reunions
Reconnect with your Maccabi crew! We are happy to help track down members of your team from past Maccabiah, Pan Am, or Europe and set up a Zoom meeting for your reunion. Contact Steve Graber to get started!