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October 19, Philadelphia, PA – Jordan Weinstein, First Vice-President of Maccabi USA, was honored by the leadership of Maccabi USA for over 25 years of national and international leadership.  Additionally, Weinstein was one of the people instrumental in bringing Rugby competition to the World Maccabiah Games in 1985.

The celebration took place as part of a fundraising dinner for Maccabi USA in Cambridge, MA.  There were over 150 people in attendance, many of them Alumni of Maccabi USA Rugby who were there to honor Weinstein and celebrate the Silver Anniversary of Maccabi USA Rugby.  A featured speaker was Jason Lezak, Olympic Gold Medalist and Maccabiah Alumnus and there was a special message from Michael Oren, Israeli Ambassador to the USA and Maccabiah Alumnus.

Weinstein began his involvement with Maccabi USA in 1985 as a member of the bronze medal-winning USA Rugby Team at the 12th World Maccabiah Games in Israel.  Immediately after the Games, he became a member of the Board of Directors and was appointed Chairman of the USA Maccabiah Rugby for the 13th and 14th World Maccabiah Games.  Since 1989, Weinstein has continuously served on the Maccabi USA Executive Committee.  He has held numerous national leadership positions, including Maccabi USA Sports Chair, Programs Chair, USA Maccabiah Team Open Sports Chair and he has been an Officer of Maccabi USA since 1993.  Weinstein was the General Chairman of the USA Maccabiah Organizing Committee from 1998 – 2005, and he was Head of the USA Delegation at the 16th and 17th World Maccabiah Games in 2001 and 2005, respectively.  He was recently elected First Vice President of Maccabi USA and will serve as Co-Chair of the USA delegation to the 12th Pan Am Maccabi Games in São Paulo, Brazil in 2011.

Weinstein has been a leader of the Maccabi international governing body as a member of the Maccabi World Union Executive and the International Maccabiah Committee since 1992.  He served on Maccabi World Union’s Strategic Forum, the Regional Games Standards Committee since its inception in 1994, serving as its Co-Chairman for the 18thand 19th World Maccabiah Games from 2006 through 2013.

When not working as a devoted volunteer for Maccabi USA, Weinstein is an attorney and the managing partner of Weinstein & Weinstein, P.C. in Worcester, Massachusetts.

About the organization:

Maccabi USA (MUSA) has an extensive history of enriching Jewish lives through athletic, cultural and educational programs.  The organization is the official sponsor of the United States Team to the World Maccabiah Games, the Pan American Maccabi Games and the Maccabi competitions in Europe and Australia, as well as a co-founder of the JCC Maccabi Games for teens in North America.  As the official Maccabi representative in the U.S., Maccabi USA supports Jewish athletic endeavors, enhanced by cultural and educational activities in the United States, Israel and throughout the Diaspora.

MUSA develops, promotes and supports international, national and regional athletic-based activities and facilities.  It strives to provide Jewish athletes the world over the opportunity to share their heritage and customs in competitive athletic settings.  MUSA supports programs that embody the Maccabi ideals of Jewish continuity, Zionism and excellence in sport.

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