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Maccabi Media Team Members

Israel (Summer 2025)

Maccabi USA is proud to announce the members of its fourth Maccabi Media team which will be heading to Israel in July 2025 to cover the Maccabiah (M25). The student group was assembled after a comprehensive nationwide search for aspiring sports media professionals eager to apply their skills in live game streaming, video production, sports reporting, writing, editing, social media, and interviewing.

Brian Barth

Brian Barth headshot

Charlie Ben-Ami

Charlie Ben-Ami pix

Ezra Cohen

Ezra Cohen headshot

Elie Gelman

Elie Gelman

Giorgianna Heiko

Giorgianna Heiko headshot pix

Will Hopkins

Will Hopkins Headshot

Joelle Kirsch

Joelle Kirsch headshot

Ethan Kopelman

Ethan K

Louis Leibowitz

Louis Leibowitz headshot2

Michael Liebermann

Michael Liebermann headshot

Logan Schiciano

Logan Schiciano headshot

Nili Schreibman

Nili Schreibman headshot

Jack Stankey

Jack Stankey headshot

Jeannie Szomstein

Jeannie Szomstein headshot

Aries Wickham

Aries Wickham headshot

Jane Wineman

Jane Wineman headshot

Ari Wohl


London, England (Summer 2024)

Maccabi USA is proud to announce the 8 members of its third Maccabi Media team which traveled to London in July 2024 to cover the European Maccabi Youth Games. The student group was assembled after a comprehensive nationwide search for aspiring sports media professionals eager to apply their skills in video production, sports reporting, writing, editing, social media, and interviewing.

Nate Bilgoray

Nate Bilgoray ax photo

Riley Chodoroff

Riley Chodoroff1

Jeremy Goldman

Jeremy Goldman pix

Tyler Jacobson

Tyler Jacobson ax photo

Devyn Levin

Devyn Levin photo

Kayla Levine

Kayla Levine ax photo

Sam Prince

Sam Prince NFL Network Draft Segment Profile Picture

Josh Rajunov

Josh Rajunov ax photo

Buenos Aires, Argentina (Winter 2023)

Please meet the 10 members of the second Maccabi Media team which traveled to Argentina in December 2023 to cover the 15th Pan American Maccabi Games. The student group was assembled after a comprehensive nationwide search for aspiring sports media professionals eager to apply their skills in play-by-play, color analysis, sideline reporting, videography, editing, social media, writing, and sports reporting.

Charlie Bendheim

Ethan Eibe

Charlie Goldberg

Danielle Hawkett

Aaron Hook

Sean Irby

Jonah Krell

Julia Levine

Logan Schiciano

Ari Wohl

Israel (Summer 2022)

Please meet the 14 members of Maccabi USA’s inaugural Maccabi Media Program. The student team was assembled after a comprehensive nationwide search for aspiring sports media professionals eager to apply their skills in play-by-play, color analysis, sideline reporting, videography, editing, social media, writing, and sports reporting during the 21st Maccabiah this summer in Israel. The program received more than 60 applications from current college students, recent college graduates, and high school students pursuing a career in sports media, journalism, or a related field.

Brian Barth

Alex Burstein

Griffin Epstein

Noah Friedman

Zachary Gershman

Charlie Goldberg

Evan Kamikow

Dylan Manfre

Elana Mutnick

Evan Oscherwitz

Sam Oshtry

Lauren Rub

Logan Schiciano

Noam Watt

Maccabiah Supporters Travel Packages: Join Us in Israel!
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