Philadelphia, PA, November 28 – Jeff Bukantz, General Chair, 19th Maccabiah USA Organizing Committee, announced the appointment of the Maccabi USA Rabbinical Team for the 19th World Maccabiah Games in July, 2013. Rabbi Daniel Greyber of Durham, NC will serve as Head Rabbi and Rabbi Noam Rauscher will serve as Assistant Rabbi.
The primary goal of the Rabbinical Team is to serve as spiritual advisors and as a resource for information and education for the entire Maccabi USA Delegation, which is projected to be over 1400 members strong. The USA Delegation is comprised of the 1150+ member USA Team and the 250+ member Maccabi USA Mission group.
“I am so excited for all the members of the USA Delegation to be able to have such a qualified and dynamic Rabbinical Team who will serve as educational resources and provide spiritual guidance as required by the members of the delegation,” Bukantz commented. “The USA Team and Mission are unique among all the participating delegations at the Maccabiah Games because we are the only delegation that brings its own Rabbinical Team in order to enhance the Maccabiah experience for all of our members.”
Head Rabbi Daniel Greyber is a Rabbi at Beth El Synagogue in Durham, NC and an alumnus of the 14th World Maccabiah Games in 1993. Assistant Rabbi Noam Raucher is the Associate Rabbi at Temple Israel in Charlotte, NC and an alumnus of the 17th World Maccabiah Games in 2005. The USA Rabbinical Team will enhance the cultural, religious and educational experience of all members of the USA Delegation. Both Rabbis will bring with them the unique perspective of having participated in the Maccabiah Games. Because each of their Games experiences made a major impact on their lives, they have the unique ability to greatly enhance the Maccabiah experience for every member of the USA Delegation.
Rabbi Greyber played an integral role in the selection of Rabbi Raucher as the Assistant Rabbi. “Noam embodies the Maccabi Spirit,” Rabbi Greyber stated. “I’m very excited to work with him and believe that he will help create a wonderful experience for everyone.”
Rabbis Greyber and Raucher will travel with the USA Team to Israel and participate in the unique ISRAEL CONNECT cultural and educational experience that is part of the Maccabiah Experience for all Open and Juniors athletes. They will conduct two egalitarian B’nai Mitzvah ceremonies – one for all members of the USA Team during ISRAEL CONNECT, and the other for all participants in the Maccabi USA Mission. Additionally, they will conduct Shabbat Services and a special program at Yad Vashem as well as create and design additional programs to enhance the Maccabiah experience.
For additional information, photographs or to schedule an interview please contact Sara Feinstein at 215.561.6900×119 or
About the organization:
Maccabi USA (MUSA) is a federally-recognized not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization with an extensive history of enriching Jewish lives through athletic, cultural and educational programs. The organization is the official sponsor of the United States Team to the World Maccabiah Games, the Pan American Maccabi Games and the Maccabi competitions in Europe and Australia, as well as a sponsor of the JCC Maccabi Games for teens in North America. As the official Maccabi representative in the U.S., Maccabi USA supports Jewish athletic endeavors, enhanced by cultural and educational activities in the United States, Israel and throughout the Diaspora.
MUSA develops, promotes and supports international, national and regional athletic-based activities and facilities. It strives to provide Jewish athletes the world over the opportunity to share their heritage and customs in competitive athletic settings. MUSA supports programs that embody the Maccabi ideals of Jewish Continuity, Zionism and Excellence in Sport. Maccabi USA Builds Jewish Pride Through Sports.