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Maccabi USA Supporters

Winter 2019


Jason Aspes

Ross Berman (A)

Jeff Cohn (A)

Ben Fox (A)

Stu Hockberger (A)

Marc Lebowitz (A)

Rob Olin (A)

Gigi and Brad Schwartz

Hilare and Howard Solomon

Ron Bartusiak

Binstock Family (A)

Drs. Gaby & Danny Cosgrove (A)

Stefan Greenberg (A)

Don Kent (A)

John Levene (A)

Scott Schaffer (A)

Allison & David Snyder

Sherman Family & HP Gymnastics

Nancy Jacobs & Geoffrey Thaw (A), Russell and Collin




Level $1,000,000+

Aileen & Brian (A) Roberts

Ellen (A) & Samuel (A) Sporn (IC)

Stuart Weitzman Family Foundation (A)


Level $180,000+

Kerry & Alan Appelbaum (A)

Talia & Ron Carner

Leah & Ed Frankel

Keith Frankel (A)

Monica & Barry Gurland

Iris & Igal Hami

Edy (z”l) & V. David (A) (z”l) Levitt

Phyllis Magerman (z”l) B’nai Mitzvah Endowment

Joy & Jerry Monkarsh

Taylor Hogge & Robert E. Spivak


Level $100,000+

Sarah & Robert Cohn

Cecile (z”l) & Allan Dalfen

Cecile & Lester (z”l) Fein

Suzan & Allen Fox

Mark S. Goldstein & the Jean Alenstein Trust

Kantor (A)/Knue (A) Family

Phyllis (z”l) & Alan Magerman

Amy & Alan Meltzer

Susan & Harvey Morgan

The Sheldon Family (A)

Dr. Lee Winston & Herman Silver Charitable Fund/Sam Rabinowitz (z”l)

Toni & Wally Wortman

Selig Zises & Ellyn Bank (A)

16th & 17th U.S. Maccabiah Teams


Level $50,000+

Sandi & Jerry Bloomberg

The Chaskin Family

Florence & Michael Edelstein

Benjamin Frankel Fund

Lynn & Carl (z”l) Goldstein

Mark S. & Marty Goldstein

Shirlee & Bill (A) (z”l) Jacobs

Donna & Jeffrey (A) Laikind

Ilene & Melvyn Miller

Robert Pincus (A) & Family

Estherly & Leonard (A)(z”l) Reifman

Barbara Brizdle (A) & Larry Schoenberg (A)

Janet & Ellis (z”l) Shore

Jill & Stu (A) Siegel

Harry & Beatrice Sley Foundation/Betsy Grossman

Diane & David Stern

Marilyn & Harry Swimmer


Level $25,000+

Jan Albert (A) Family Golf Endowment

Ellen & Simon Atlas

Cathy & Marc (A) Backal

Gladys & Lewis (A) Bass & Family Endowment

Jerome Bornstein (A) & Morris & Rose Bornstein Memorial Fund

The Peter Brand Foundation (A)

Ruth & Ray Brenner

Barbara & Jim (A) Bronner

Marilyn & Simon Denenberg

The Fraenkel Family Foundation

Doris & Sheldon (A) (z”l) Gitman

Joy & Gary (A) Gordon

Ira Kamens

Jean & Stephen Kaplan

Stanley Kleckner (A)

Marilyn & Mark Labkon Family Endowment

Carol (z”l) & Harvey (A) Leff

Jon (A), Kelly, Kenton & Ashlyn Levin

Cissie & Robert Levy

Sydney Levy Memorial

Ronnie & David Lowenthal

Tonja & Joel Magerman

Michael L. Magerman Family

Beth & Jed (A) Margolis

Ava, Edward & Jordan (A) Mendelson

Dennis (A), Marc & Steve Needleman

Bernard Osher Foundation

The Pincus Charitable Fund (A)

The Rabinovitch Foundation (A)

May & Samuel Rudin Foundation

Silverstein Family

Dana & Mark Susson

Wertheim Family Endowment


Level Under $25,000


The Abramson Family Foundation

Jean R. Alenstein Trust

Gerry & Hank Alpert

Arlene & Richard (z”l) Batchley

Berlin Family Foundation Inc.

Doris Dannenhirsch Beshunsky (A) (z”l)

Borden Family

Jeffrey Bukantz (A)

Ralph Chernin & Family

Linda & Jeffrey Chodorow

Marcia & Sheldon Cloobeck

Sophie & Albert Crome

Steven Damashek Memorial Fund

Miriam & Harvey Diamond

Leo Eisner



Rhona & David Furman

Gittleson Family Endowment

Richard Goldman Memorial Fund

Rita & Marvin Goldstein

Edward Gottlieb Memorial Fund

Zachary Hahn Memorial Fund

Benjamin Joseph Hahn Memorial Fund

Bettina & Izzy (A) Horowitz

Laura & Richard (z”l) Horowitz

Barbara & George Hyman

Leslie & David (A) Kantor

Susan & Robert Klein

Sondra & Herbert Kupersmith

Carole & Robert Landau

Scott, Jan, Morgan & Skylar Lane

Dan Levenson

Jeanie & Armand Lindenbaum

Mark J. Rosenberg Memorial Fund

Tema & Joseph Merback

Milken Family Foundation

June & Sidney Moray

Jan & Jay (A) Moses

In Honor of Carly & Erica Novich

Randolph & Judith Pace Foundation

Muriel & Ed Pickard

Bernard Pomerantz Memorial Fund

The Pressman & Friends Group

Anne & Harry J. Reicher Foundation

Linda Rice

Rochester Chapter Maccabi USA

Louise & Claude (A) Rosenberg

Nina & Robert Rosenthal

Judith & Ben (A) Rubin

Neal Rudder


Salter Family Trust

Toby & Michael Salter

Naomi & Dolph (z”l) Schayes

Wendy & Dan (A) Schayes

In Memory of Arthur & Edith Selverstone

Nancy & James Shalek

Sharrow Memorial Fund

Jason Shrinsky

Sidney Margolis Memorial Endowment

Siegfried Family

Charles Simon

Rhea & Edward Slade

Edward M. Slater Memorial Fund

Louise & William Steerman

Tanner Tananbaum

Ruth & Howard (z”l) Walzer

Patricia & Philip Wexler

Ira & Shirley Yohalem Endowment

Deborah Miller & William Zabel (A)

21ST MACCABIAH FUND A DREAM as of 8/17/2018

Ron Bartusiak

Hannah (A), Mark and Betsy Berman

Ross Berman (A)

Jeff Cohn (A)

Drs. Gaby and Danny Cosgrove (A)

Ben Fox (A)

Stefan Greenberg (A)

Stu Hockberger (A)

Don Kent (A)

Marc Lebowitz (A)

John Levene (A)

Rob Olin (A)

21ST MACCABIAH CONTRIBUTIONS (Gifts over $5,000) as of 8/17/2018

Debbie (A) & Anthony Adams

Alex Blavatnik (A)**

Lisa & Doug Goldman Fund

Susan & Leland (A) Faust

Kantor/Knue Families **

Wendy and Jeff Krieger (A)

Betty & Charles Lebovitz

Tonja & Joel Magerman

Budd & Nanette Mayer Family Foundation

Aileen & Brian (A) Roberts (IC)

Sherman Family and HP Gymnastics

Silk Family Foundation (A)**

TSG Reporting Inc.

Stuart Weitzman Family Foundation (A)

(A) Athlete


**Sponsored two or more athletes ($6,000 per athlete)


Maccabiah Supporters Travel Packages: Join Us in Israel!
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