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Maccabiah Supporters Mission to Israel

Going to Watch Your Family
Compete at the 2025 Maccabiah?

Join the Maccabi USA Mission to Israel!

July 4-17*, 2025
(Tel Aviv + Jerusalem + Competition City^)

July 7-17, 2025
(Jerusalem + Competition City^)

July 7-17, 2025
(Jerusalem + Competition City^)

*All mission options include hotel stay through July 17, but that can be extended by request.
^’Competition City’ refers to the city closest to where your athlete(s) will compete (Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa).


The Maccabiah is the largest gathering of Diaspora Jewry
in the world and it’s not just for athletes.

2022 mission dinner
  • Scuba dive the Mediterranean
  • Take a culinary tour of the Old City of Jerusalem
  • Meet with high-level Israeli politicians
  • Visit Israeli wineries
  • Share a Shabbat dinner with Maccabi families
  • Enjoy a night-time Tower of David light show
  • Attend the 2025 Maccabiah Opening Ceremony
  • Commemorate those we lost on 10/7 by hearing from IDF soldiers and survivors at the Nova Festival site
  • Child-friendly options/alternative activities offered
  • Hotel and transportation included (airfare optional)
Bukantz Moyerman Magerman

“We are not ‘group travel people’ but the Maccabi USA Mission really changed our minds about that! All of us left feeling that we made lifelong friendships.”
Melissa & Ron Greenberg
2024 EMYG London Mission – Chelsea Football Club ‘Behind-the-Scenes’ Tour

Join us at the 2025 Maccabiah in Israel (July 1-22, 2025)
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